Lately I haven't been spending much time drawing people and figures, which is one of my favourite things to do! During our talk from Lorraine she emphasized the importance of showing the figure, and characters in our portfolios. At the moment I feel that when people look at my work they are immediately drawn to the animal figures I've made. I would like to be more recognised for my drawings as well.
This has reminded me how happy I was with my work for the Little White Lies brief, when I spent hours drawing pictures of Natalie Portman in Black Swan. When I got complimented on the likeness of my drawings to her it really gave me a greater sense of achievement than I feel when people respond well to my made creatures.
Bearing this in mind, I would like to start focusing more on what may be the drawn elements of my major project. Background details and little red riding hood herself will be good starting points. It is the integration of the made and drawn elements that will be tricky. Although I have merged a 3D way of working with 2D cut-outs for projects before (e.g. Life Stories), it will be more of a challenge making the image look cohesive with a completely 3D made figure (my wolf). Because of the inevitable difficulties I will face when it comes to arranging all the elements together in an image, I am remaining open minded at this early stage about having to experiment with the representation of the characters and scenery.
With a greater amount of time to spare for evaluation and experimentation, I'm not so daunted by this task.
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