Saturday, 22 September 2012

New Pet

A wood-carved duck I bought from a market stall, isn't it beautiful!
Afterwards I went with Bryony for a hot vimto date at the Nexus Art Cafe and drew him along with my yellow rose...

'Potential Dream Subjects'

The content of our zine for this brief is meant to be inspired by our personal projects. Initially I got a little carried away with my ideas for how I'd love to fill a zine...veering off from the dream theme that I need to focus on. So, I'm reigning in my excitement and trying to produce content that is a little more focused and appropriate...

Using one of the blank books I have made, I've started to create a zine of portraits. The portraits will be a mixture of life/memory and from photos I've taken- in other words, people through my eyes. Either people I know well, or the ones I will (hopefully be brave enough to) draw sneakily from a distance are part of my everyday experiences...and the extent that they affect me won't be evident until I dream. All the people I see are potentially dream subjects, so this is the theme of the zine. If it's successful, I hope the drawings themselves may even be a vague indicator of how these people might appear to me in dreams- perhaps the people I take the attention to draw in more detail are in turn more significant in dreams, and more vivid in appearance.

Here is my first page, a sketch of my housemate Bryony, sitting in the sofa room at college:

Zine Project

Our current project is to create our own zines.
We were briefed at the Nexus Art Cafe in town, which houses the Salford Zine Museum. I'd never been here before- it's amazing all the places in Manchester I've not yet discovered (and really need to!), mostly all hidden away in basements like this one.

After an impressive hot chocolate (with a great load of cream on top) I picked out a few zines from the library they have there. There's a mix of really diverse styles, and it was inspiring to read examples that triggered lots of ideas of what I would love to use as zine content myself. I kept a note of these ideas as I was reading...

It was also encouraging to see a lot of the content appeared to have been quickly produced-almost doodling style-and rather than looking unprofessional this corresponds aesthetically with the humour.

The images above are from the zine 'Future Fantasteek!' (issue 13, July 2012). The first thing that attracted me to this one was the black inky creature on the cover (with the googly eyes). I didn't get a photo of the cover, stupidly...but you can see it on the virtual preview of the issue on the website.
The content in general appealed to me because of its humorous and quite satirical tone- the content   is opinionated illustrations of familiar thoughts and situations, and appears to be quite a personal showcase of the artist's ideas based on their experiences of people. It's an absorbing read as I'm sure most readers can identify with a great deal of it and (fellow artists in particular) will probably become inspired to conjure up their own anecdotes for similar ideas.

In terms of crafting a zine, this one was particularly interesting- a painted character is seen from front and back view on different sides of tracing paper! The use of different coloured card and bold block colors with screen-printed designs made up a very graphic looking, picture based publication.
Unfortunately it was very difficult to tell what the title of this zine was...on the cover it was labelled 'Extensas Estrias Del Esten Sinor', and I couldn't spot any details of a website/artist details, so it remains a bit of a mystery. If anyone can save me from my ignorance please inform me immediately!

Year 3, here we go!

September has marked the start back at college, a new studio room and a new set of classmates who have merged with us from surface design. We have made ourselves at home in our new space with a new set of rules-signs that we created for a one day brief, assisted by the illustrator Darren Newman, who has a great flair for creative typography.
As a class we split into groups and thought up suggestions for some studio rules, then as a group voted for the ones we thought were the best. The winning rules were then divided up randomly between the groups and we had to create a sign or them. Bryony and I were dealt "Don't be a knob."
After getting over the initial awkwardness, we decided that we would go all out and create something appropriately audacious (as was only fitting, with the tone of our rule...we hope).
Here is the result: